Hi, My Name Is Joao

When I Met Jackie
We set up Creative Web Advertising in 2007. This all happened in Spain and we also met lots of other lovely people from different countries which meant we could offer our services in different languages.
Jackie De Burca
Offline Media In Newspapers and Video Production 1991-2007
Jackie worked for seven years in video production after working for newspapers including The Irish Times and The Observer.
Digital Media 2007-present
She loved writing and art since childhood so the possibility of combining these with her advertising background online has been exciting and very fruitful for our clients.
Book Author 2018- present
A London publishing house found her travel blog online and asked her to write the book, Salvador Dalí at Home.
Podcaster 2020- present
During COVID Jackie was lucky enough to meet Henry McDonald (author and Guardian journalist) on Twitter. He inspired her to create the podcast Creative Places and Faces. Very sadly, Henry passed away on 19th February aged 57.
Podcast Producer 2021-present
In April 2021, Jackie launched Constructive Voices with Ireland's favourite TV Builder, Peter Finn. Henry McDonald was also part of Constructive Voices.
The internet has been good to us so we will make the same thing happen for you
We have worked with International clients ever since 2007 while living in Spain. The internet and Google have been good to us. We have reaped the rewards of hard, creative work both for ourselves and our clients.
Not only that but childhood dreams have been fulfilled through the internet as Jackie attracted a book deal from a London publishing company from some of her online writing.
We believe that the scope online for success is huge. We know this from a variety of first-hand experiences.
Not only that but childhood dreams have been fulfilled through the internet as Jackie attracted a book deal from a London publishing company from some of her online writing.
We believe that the scope online for success is huge. We know this from a variety of first-hand experiences.
Joao Alves
IT Chief of Operations 1987-2000
Joao headed up the co-ordination of the hardware & the software departments.
The hardware department was responsible for the assembling, testing & repairs of all computers.
Beginning with desktops & laptops, ending in Fault-Tolerant Cluster Servers with Hot-Swap RAID 5 disk arrays.
Director of Operations 2001-2005
His role was to translate money to bytes, meaning translating customer needs for their business to the development department in order to guarantee that a new application was going to achieve a customer's goals.
Digital Media 2006-present
Joao has been managing PPC accounts (Google Adwords) for a range of customers, across a diverse range of industries. My clients are companies of different sizes, some of whom are in the services industry, others who are in the financial niche, as well as retail clients.
Digital Media Lecturer 2006-present
Joao has a great character for teaching. He is outgoing and highly knowledgeable. He has lectured on digital marketing for the local government of Andalucia amongst other clients.